Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust – Development of Parking Strategy and Procurement Assistance

by | Apr 3, 2022

Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading required assistance in developing and implementing a new parking strategy as the hospital site was subject to significant redevelopment. This work included the analysis of parking space requirements and future forecasts, staff permit analysis, a review of existing parking management solutions and parking equipment, and preparation of an options assessment and recommendations.

Central to our work was the identification of lost revenue opportunities and devising strategies for revenue protection to feed into the business planning process.

This analysis led on to a procurement process for a new parking management operator including preparation of the tender specification for a mini-competition, assisting the Trust with the procurement process, tender interviews, assisting in tender evaluation, and management of contract implementation.

Finally, we led the process to identify and negotiate secure off-site parking for staff who could not be accommodated at the hospital as determined by the revised criteria for staff parking provision.


A new parking management regime supported by the appointment of a new parking management service provider has transformed the parking service, which now includes two off-site locations within easy reach of the hospital to cater for staff parking.